Julio Vásconez

💼 Senior Software Engineer @ AirLST GmbH

🌎 Guayaquil, Ecuador

The Human Behind the Code 🚀

Greetings! I'm Julio - a committed husband, proud father of three, and a seasoned Software Engineer with over a decade of experience building web and hybrid mobile applications. I thrive on fostering small teams, guiding them through the captivating journey of Software Development.

Tech-agnostic? Absolutely! I embrace new technologies eagerly, finding fulfillment in every learning curve. Currently, I'm immersing myself in the dynamic realm of the TALL Stack, while honing my Python prowess through pursuit of a Master's Degree in Artificial Intelligence. Let's push boundaries and craft something extraordinary! ✨

Want to build something great?

If you're ready to embark on a journey of innovation and creation, don't hesitate to reach out. Let's collaborate and bring your ideas to life! You can contact me at: jvasconez28@gmail.com